
Acoustic Wall Panel
The importance of reflection sound in auditorium, music hall and multipurpose hall and conference room as been known for many years. The contribution to solve reflection sound which is we can call it as echo is recognized to the extent that designers and builders of such halls must take special care that there will be a proper supply of such reflections. SI Acoustic Wall Panel can be apply at auditorium, studio, lecture hall, cinema, office, home theatre, banquet hall and others.

audiometric room/booth
A major component necessary for a good hearing test is sufficient quiet in a test room or booth. SI Audiometric Room/Booth will be constructed to meet the minimum noise restrictions within a test environment to obtain a valid test according to the maximum allowable sound level stated by Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). SI Audiometric Room offer perfect atmosphere in the audiometric room which consists of good ventilation, observation window, lighting and aesthetic design to help audiologist/doctor serve their best to their patient.

acoustic door
Si Acoustic Door sets provide a sound privacy in office, commercial and industrial environment. Our highly qualified engineers will advised on acoustic application and assist with calculation for specifications. Si Acoustic Door has two materials which are Steel and Timber that come with acoustic door seal system and ironmongeries for soundproofing you actually need.

There are too many types of studio such as recording studio, mixing studio, audio video and many more. Studio is a system which the whole things needs to be balance. The general requirement of a studio should be carefully thought about before location is chosen such as floating floor, acoustic sub ceiling, wall angle and silent ventilation system. Good sound isolation is essential and many people greatly underestimate its importance.

anechoic chamber
An anechoic chamber is a room designed to complete absorb reflections of either sound or electromagnetic waves. This room are also insulated from exterior source of noise. It can be designed to provide ambient sound 20dB(A) and below. This type usually use for sophisticated testing.