R&D & Collabration SVAM-MEMBER SI Acoustic Sdn Bhd was one of the member of Society of Vibration & Acoustics Malaysia (SVAM) MEMBER in 2015 DOSH-COMMITTEE MEMBER SI Acoustic Sdn Bhd is one of the committee member for “Semakan dan Garis Panduan Kawalan Bising 2019” UTHM NOVIA-FIRE RATED ACOUSTIC DOOR RESEARCH COLLABORATION(SI Acoustic SdnBhd–Noise & Vibration Analysis Team, [NOVIA], Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) in 2016Research Title: Fire Rated Acoustic Door LKTN-GREEN INSULATION TECHNOLOGY Collaboration R&D with LKTN on “GREEN INSULATION TECHNOLOGY” To promote a world without noise To ensure all tasks assigned are able to assist the acoustic and noise problem in our country throughout our expertise Contact Us Today